As you know, I have been practicing this fine art of Capoeira and this week I hit my wall.
Much to my chagrin, I am realizing that I am no longer a "spring chicken", and everything that I have ever injured, my shoulder, my ankle, my knees, my hips.
They all ache.
Yes it was snowing this week but it was even before that.
It's really humbling and really, really frustrating, to see what you want to do and not to be able to do it.
This is usually the time when most people give up a new activity, because it's just too hard.
I was thinking this, that I was too old and that it's just not me and who do I think I am? And all this negative nonsense I hear when I encounter a challenge.
I was doing my brain gym this morning and I realized that it's not the thing that is not for me but it's my approach.
There is a process in Brain Gym, called PACE, which is an acronym that stands for Positive, Active, Clear, and Energetic.
All states of mind that you need for optimal learning.
I do this sequence of movements at the beginning of each session and prepare my client/student's brain for optimal new learning
because you can't make a change when you're stuck.
Even though I do this so many times a day for so many other people, I realized that I had neglected to do it for myself.
I lost the P of PACE, to be positive and accepting of where I am in the present moment, given my skill level, body condition, and time training.
I have been doing this martial art for almost a year (on and off) and I am looking at/comparing myself/wanting to do things that people who have been training for at least 2, 3, in some cases 9-15 years, are doing.
I took a step back and assessed where I was and what I needed to do to progress at a rate that is in alignment with what my body can do,
rather than where my mind wants it to be---which is doing back flips.
I realized that I need more time outside of class, to take my time and feel what my body feels like making the transitions between moves and to do it in a slower way so I can really understand the effect.
I also realized that my body needs some attention outside of the realm of brain gym and just working out.
It needs some expert guidance of some excellent practitioners I know in the area of Feldenkreis, physical therapy, craniosacral therapy and muscle activation technique(I have linked to their websites here in case you are in need of these same services--my cranial person does not have a website so if you need the info, please contact me).
The adage "No Pain, No Gain" may make you get there faster, but you will not be able to sustain it long into the future.
I love this art so much I want to be doing it in a way that makes my body and mind happy well into the future.
So for now, I will have to be happy with my kicks and dodges, and save the back flips for later.
Is there an area in your life where you hold unrealistic expectations for yourself and are pushing beyond what is a comfortable and honoring PACE for you?
Are you critical of yourself for not being somewhere you "think you should be" all the while missing out on all the greatness that you ARE?
Ask yourself, "Am I in alignment with my PACE for learning?"
Positive-accepting of where you are but also open to new possibilities?
Active-are you taking just right actions that are moving you towards what you want?
Clear - do you have a clear idea of where you are going/want to go? (this is your intention and not someone else's)
Energetic - Are you taking good care of your physical body and giving yourself the basics of what you need to get where you want to go?
If you are interested in learning the Brain Gym PACE sequence of movements, please send me a message and I will send you the documents that outline these steps.
This simple sequence of movements help to create this state of PACE in your body mind system.
Upcoming Brain Gym Events At a Glance
Wednesday March 13, 2013 - Mini Workshop on Sensory Integration and Brain Gym - reserve your space HERE
Sunday April 7, 2013 - One Day Introduction to Brain Gym - Reserve your space HERE
Wednesday April 10, 2013 - Mini Workshop on Sensory Integration and Brain Gym - reserve your space HERE
April 20, 21, 27, 2013 - Brain Gym 101 Workshop - please send message to receive registration form.
Have a great day!!!