What does your posture say about you?
Have you ever tried to change your posture by thought? How successful was it?
Most of the time you can do it if you are thinking about it, but as soon as you start to focus on something, you lose it.
Brain Gym is a simple, effective, and long lasting way to change your posture very quickly and efficiently.
I had a man show up at one of my classes. He was in his early 60's, tall, hunched over, with stiff knees. He stood up for his introduction to say with a drawl, "I'm here in this Brain Gym class because I want to make my transitions in dance better".
Looking at this man and his posture, it was a wonder to imagine him dancing. In a room full of therapists who usually show up to my classes to learn techniques to "fix" kids, he was an anomaly.
He was wanting to learn how to smoothly transition from one move to another, but all I noticed that he kept consciously fixing his posture and unlocking his knees all the time.
He would also tune out completely sometimes and after a long stretch of me speaking or teaching a concept, he would raise his hand and say, "I didn't get that whole last section you talked about, can you say it again?".
The second time he did this, I burst out laughing because the timing of it was so funny, but I asked him to come up and be a demonstration model for a brain balancing sequence on focus.
As a little background, Brain Gym focuses on the body and it's tendencies in movement and posture to see what is going on in the body. Not in every single case, but poor posture can be related to a breakdown in focus(how your brain stem is talking to the cortex).
So he came up and I had him go through a process called 3 Dimension Repatterning, when he was lying on the floor.
I was busy talking about the process and leading him through, and was hoping to help his focus at least a little bit for being able to listen and understand what was going on in class. What I did not expect was what happened next.
He stood up and I heard all of the therapists in the room gasp. He stood up and his back was completely straight. You could also see that his knees were looser and more relaxed.
Everyone watched in awe as he walked back to his seat.
He did not ask again for me to repeat anything else in class. AND he also achieved his goal of more easily transitioning in his dancing. His comment at the end of the workshop was, "I came here to work on my dancing, but I did not expect to also leave with better posture."
I found this TED talk given by a social scientist who studies posture and has come up with a quick way to change it to change your life. I like it because it goes much in line with using the body and movement to change the brain and behavior.
I hope that you enjoy and please leave your comments in the section below.